Crystal Uminski, Ph.D.

Biology education researcher

Crystal Uminski

My name is Crystal and I study assessments in undergraduate biology courses.

I am a postdoctoral research associate at Rochester Institute of Technology. 

I will be starting as an assistant professor at Towson University in August 2025.  

 My research interests include assessing scientific practices and visual literacy in biology

My non-research interests include movies and cats

Get in contact!

✉️  Email:

Twitter: @CrystalUminski

Rochester Institute of Technology

Gosnell School of Life Sciences

84 Lomb Memorial Drive, Rochester, NY 14623

Crystal Uminski logo of a cat wearing 3D glasses

What's with the 3D cat? 

My logo combines my love for my little gray cat Delilah and my research interest in three-dimensional assessments. While you don't quite need 3D glasses to identify the three dimensions I study (scientific practices, biology core ideas, and interdisciplinary crosscutting concepts), I think the imagery is just too fun to pass up! Email me with your mailing address and I'd be happy to send you a custom sticker featuring  the 3D cat! 

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